
My name is Anastasia Ryzhkova. I'm a children's illustrator currently based in Israel. I love illustrating chapter books and magazines, especially with themes like magic or fantasy. My favorite technique is digital with imitation of traditional materials. In illustrations, I strive for lightness, airiness, and emotionality.

Before fully diving into illustration, I worked in different areas like the gaming industry, web design, animation, and graphic design. Now, because of my experience in these fields, I understand different projects and the client's needs.

I'm deeply passionate about photography, birdwatching, psychology, books, clothing (but not fast fashion) and dressing up in it. I love wandering through familiar or new places and writing texts for my blog about work and life. I enjoy observing the small world around me: beetles, birds, and plants. It's easy for me to imagine a talking frog hiding behind a leaf.

Published work:

"Japanese folktales", published by "Detskaya literatura", 2023
"Almanac "Stardust", published by "Kit", 2021

Clients: Sber, Literati, Yasno, Kit, Detskaya literatura

2021-2022: MORS (international illustration festival)